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Gainsborough's House.

"Sudbury, a quiet market town in East Suffolk was the birthplace of Thomas Gainsborough. The little town is situated amidst scenery not of striking beauty, in somewhat flat and uninteresting country, but it boasts of rich meadows, gentle, well-wooded hills and tranquil valleys in which glisten the clear waters of the River Stour, flowing by banks bordered with willows. To those who can appreciate the landscapes of Gainsborough and Constable there is great charm in this part of East Anglia, and when visiting Sudbury and East Bergholt they will be constantly reminded of these artists. "Suffolk," Gainsborough is reported to have said, " made me an artist," and until the close of his busy life he found the material for all his best landscape work in the studies and sketches he made when a youth at Sudbury, and in later life at Ipswich." Extract from "Thomas Gainsborough" (Open Library)

Gainsborough's House,
46 Gainsborough Street,
Suffolk CO10 2EU

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