Heritage Railways.
The life of George Stephenson: Open
"He (George Stephenson)
proceeded to bring the subject of
constructing a "Travelling Engine," as
he then denominated the locomotive,
under the notice of the lessees of the
Killingworth colliery, in the year 1813.
Lord Ravensworth, the principal partner,
had already formed a very favourable
opinion of Stephenson, from the
important improvements which he had
effected in the colliery engines, both
above and below ground; and, after
considering the matter, and hearing
Stephenson's statements, he authorised
him to proceed with the construction of
a locomotive, though his lordship was,
by some, called a fool for advancing
money for such a purpose. "The first
locomotive that I made," said Mr.
Stephenson, many years after, when
speaking of his early career at a public
meeting in Newcastle, " was at
Killingworth colliery, and with Lord
Ravens worth's money. Yes, Lord
Ravensworth and partners were the first
to entrust me with money to make a
locomotive engine. That engine was made
thirty-two years ago, and we called it '
My Lord.' I said to my friends, there
was no limit to the speed of such an
engine, if the works could be made to
stand it."
Britain's historic railways are privately owned and include both
narrow and standard gauge railways and steam and in some
cases diesel locomotives. A typical heritage railway will
hold special events throughout the year that such as Wartime
Britain, Days Out with Thomas, and various dining
experiences. The Heritage Railway Association provides detailed information on what Britain's heritage railways have to offer.